Smartphone App

What are Authy and Google Authenticator?

Authy and Google Authenticator are smartphone apps that provides login codes that rotate every 30 seconds and are unique to you.

    • We recommend Authy because it has the ability to set a password to back up all the accounts you add to it. This is helpful if you need to replace your phone, as it allows you to restore your accounts by entering the password on a new device.

    • Authy is free, easy to use, and available for both Android and iPhone on Google Play and iTunes app stores.

    • Google Authenticator is recommended for those overseas who may not be using the same phone number they use in the United States.

    • Google Authenticator is also free, easy to use and available for both Android and iPhone on Google Play and iTunes app stores.

Authenticator App Setup

Setup Instructions for 2-Step Verification

Follow the steps below to install and configure Authy or Google Authenticator. If you already have one of the apps configured, you can skip to the Smartphone App Account Setup.

Authy App


Google Authenticator App

Step 1

Download and install the Authy app from the iTunes app store on an iPhone or from Google Play on an Android device. Once it has installed, go ahead and open the app.

Step 1

Download and install the Google Authenticator app from the iTunes app store on an iPhone or from Google Play on an Android device. Once it has installed, go ahead and open the app.

Step 2

Enter your cellphone number on the initial Set Up screen. Once a valid phone number has been entered, you will be prompted for an email address. Please use your preferred email address: work or personal email are both acceptable.

Step 2

Click Get started

Step 3

Select whichever option you prefer to receive your account verification code: Phone Call or SMS message.

Step 4

Based on the option you chose in step 3, you will receive either a text message or a phone call with a verification code. Enter it here.

You will now be ready to setup your first account. To setup your accounts, please click the Wycliffe Account Setup below.

Step 3

You are not ready to setup your first account on the Google Authenticator. To setup your accounts, please click the Wycliffe Account Setup below.

For Further Assistance Contact Wycliffe IT Help Desk 407-852-3815 (during normal business hours) or use TeamHelp to create a ticket for assistance