Security Key

Security Key Setup Instructions for 2-Step Verification (optional)

The Security Key is a device that makes two-factor authentication as simple as possible. Instead of a code being texted to you, or generated by an app on your phone, you press a button on your Security Key. That's it. Each device has a unique code built on to it, which is used to generate codes that help confirm your identity. If you do not have a Security Key and would like one to setup, go HERE

Wycliffe Identity Account

Wycliffe Google Account

Identity Step 1

Use the link below to go to the authentication management site

Google Step 1

Go to the Google Account Management 2SV security page, sign into your Wycliffe Google account

Identity Step 2

There are six boxes on the Wycliffe Identity Profile Page. Find the one that is for USB Security Keys (see above for example) and click the ADD button to start.

Google Step 2

There is a list of security options. Choose Security Key. Click Add Security Key.

Identity Step 3

Do You Have A USB Security Key? You should have one already to setup so click Yes. Proceed to Step 5.

If you do not have a Security Key then click No, but I would like to get one. Fill out the form and when you get it, you can start again.

Google Step 3

Choose USB or Bluetooth.

Identity Step 4

Insert the key in one of your USB ports on your computer. Click OK, I have inserted it.

Google Step 4

You should have the Security Key you requested before proceeding. If you have the Key ready, click NEXT.

Identity Step 5

Once you clicked OK, I have inserted it, the Windows Security will ask you to allow the setup. Click OK twice. If you are using an Apple Computer it will also ask you to give permissions.

Google Step 5

Insert the Security Key into a USB port. It will start to blink, Tap the blinking light. Do not hold your finger there just touch it and remove your finger. You may have to click NEXT.

Identity Step 6

Now your Security Key will be blinking, touch the key where the light is blinking. Do not hold your finger there just touch it and remove your finger.

Identity Step 7

Excellent! you Security Key is setup for continued use on your Wycliffe Workday and Identity Profile sites. Click Continue, and then click See My Profile buttons.

From you profile page you can add additional ways to secure your account by using a Smartphone App or Printable Codes. If you are ready to add more ways to secure your account, click the links below.

Google Step 6

You can name the Security Key, then click DONE.

Note: Please ensure you have 2 different methods of 2SV enabled

For Further Assistance Contact Wycliffe IT Help Desk 407-852-3815 (during normal business hours) or use TeamHelp to create a ticket for assistance